sentix Investmentmeinung 10-2017

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Von Euro zu Yen

Während sich an den Aktienmärkten kaum etwas im sentix-Datenkranz getan hat und die Sentimentlage weiter angespannt bleibt, zeichnet sich am Währungsmarkt eine deutlichere Short-Fokussierung beim Yen ab. Im Rohstoff-Segment hat sich unsere Geduld ausgezahlt: Der Öleinbruch hievt das Research-Portfolio deutlich ins Plus.

Geänderte Einschätzungen: EUR-USD, EUR-JPY

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sentix ASR Essentials 10-2017


Extreme pessimism emerges on Energy

The latest sentix survey suggests investors’ views on the medium-term outlook for equities continue to become more negative. At the same time, at a sector level pessimism on more defensive sectors such as Food & Beverage and Healthcare is continuing to lessen. This sentiment upturn has been set against increased caution on Basic Resources and Energy. The change of tack has been especially notable in the case of Energy versus the market, with survey readings dropping to historic lows this month. This chimes with pessimism on Crude Oil that has reached twelvemonth extremes. Energy is deeply unloved in an equity and commodity context. See page 2 for charts.

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sentix Investmentmeinung 09-2017

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Des Guten zu viel

Obwohl die sentix Konjunkturindizes, die heute veröffentlicht wurden (Details unter, ein starkes Konjunkturbild zeichneten, wiegt die Last der sonstigen sentix-Daten zunehmend schwer auf den Aktienmärkten. Eine Pause im Aufwärtstrend scheint unausweichlich.

Geänderte Einschätzungen: Aktien Deutschland

Klicken Sie hier für die aktuelle Investmentmeinung (sentix Registrierung erforderlich)

Risk level on the rise for US equities


Investors’ confidence in the US equity market suffers. The respective sentix indicator the US market continues its decline. Although investors critically review their stance on equities, stock prices keep rallying. Crash risks are lurking due to this discrepancy.


The economy keeps buzzing


The sentix headline index for the Eurozone economy increases 3.3 points in March – the highest index level in 10 years. Investors rate the current situation exceptionally favourable. The current situation index rises 3.3 points to the highest level since March 2011. Investors’ economic expectations are on the rise for all major world regions. Therefore, last month’s drop is just a temporary correction. We believe that there is no imminent threat to economic prosperity. Besides the positive development of advanced economies, economic momentum remains strong for the emerging markets. Even Latin America manages to gain momentum.


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